The Keypress

Just another blog, talking about the things I like

Starting May 1st 2024 App Store requires that new submissions contain a Privacy manifest file for some specific APIs, this blog post will go briefly over how to add the required privacy manifest file and how to conform to these new rules

What are the rules?

According to Apple:

Starting May 1, 2024, apps that don’t describe their use of required reason API in their privacy manifest file aren’t accepted by App Store Connect.

Currently the APIs that require a usage reason are:

(Links to each individual allowed reasons list)

Furthermore, Apple also states:

Your app or third-party SDK must declare one or more approved reasons that accurately reflect your use of each of these APIs and the data derived from their use. You may use these APIs and the data derived from their use for the declared reasons only. These declared reasons must be consistent with your app’s functionality as presented to users, and you may not use the APIs or derived data for tracking.

In short it means that any access to those listed APIs must conform to the declared reason and must be used for that reason only. Neither of these APIs can be used for tracking.

Third Party SDKs

The rules state that any API accessed by a third party SDK must be declared by the SDK itself. If your code depends on a package that may use these APIs such as Firebase, you need to update the package to a version that conforms to this new rule. Firebase for instance recommends developers update it to version 10.24.0 or later.

If you use the API in your third-party SDK’s code, then you need to report the API in your third-party SDK’s privacy manifest file. Your third-party SDK can’t rely on the privacy manifest files for apps that link the third-party SDK

Currently there's no easy way to check if a specific API is being used by an SDK except manually looking for the Privacy Manifest file or by inspecting the code (which isn't possible for dynamic libraries). Apple may send an Email warning that your App is not declaring usage reason for an API but you need to manually inspect if it's your application code or a third party dependency.

In turn if you are developing a third party SDK, you should include the Privacy declaration (See below section on how to include it).


In order to comply to the new rules on either your app or library, you must add a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to the root of your project. This file is a property list containing all usage description for the APIs.

creating a privacy file

Under the App Privacy Configuration key, you should add a new array with the key Privacy Accessed API Types. This is a list of all APIs you use along with their reason.

Each item in this list should contain the key Privacy Accessed API Type with the name of the API (Xcode auto completes it) and the array key Privacy Accessed API Reasons.

Privacy Accessed API Reasons is a list of the reasons why you use the API, though unlike other privacy information like Tracking Status or Camera Usage, this list should only contain the allowed reasons listed in Apple's website

creating a privacy file

Your app or third-party SDK must declare one or more approved reasons that accurately reflect your use of each of these APIs and the data derived from their use.

While there's no way to check locally if your App is complying to these new rules, once you upload a new build to TestFlight external testing or to App Store review, Apple may send an email containing the missing API declarations or reject the submission with a list of the missing APIs declaration.

Hello, welcome to The Keypress.

In this post I'll be talking about my most recent App (still in development). This app was made at the Apple Developer Academy in a timespan of one week. The goal for this app was to learn something new. Really, anything at all.

Since this app was made in 7 days, I'm going to divide each day into it's own chapter

Monday – the beginning

It's Monday morning. I've finished my previous App presentation and wrapped up the final details related to it. We had 2 one-week apps back-to-back, it's really important to acknowledge when one cycle ends and when another begins.

We got our theme: Quiz App. I normally tend to have ideas very quickly but not this time. This time I had a creative block, so I mostly played with some basic ideas trying to find something that would engage me in.

I didn't really made anything else besides finding some basic references and playing Loldle

Tuesday – the idea

After playing a bit more of Loldle, I settled on making something similar. Loldle has 5 different puzzles about guessing champions. Taking a look at League of Legends, what felt as the next “logical” step was to find out what sort of things could be guessed based on their characteristics. If you played even a tiny bit of League of Legends, you know the game features an absurdly big collection of items, designed to change your character stats and turn the tide of the match.

This was the “Aha” moment: a game in which you have to guess what is the LoL item, based on what stats they modify.

Enter the Rift API

Riot Games offer many different endpoints, but what interested me the most was Data Dragon. DD (for short) has an impressive collection of all items available in game and their stats (well, most would be more suited, more on that later). This API is offered without requiring any token and it's served as a JSON.

This JSON would contain all the data I need if not for some major inconsistencies. On a simple level, some fields have different names than their in-game counterparts: Magic Resistance is Spell Block; The file contains Arena items. More concerning problems are the Lack of some attributes: Magic Penetration is referenced in the stats block but doesn't show up in any item, the same with Ability Haste; Not all Ornn items are correctly flagged. These problems were very worrying, they seemed like the sort of thing I'd have to deal manually with each attribute.

At this point in time I started to feel behind schedule. How would I manually patch a list with more than 200 items? Time for a new helper: ChatGPT

ChatGPT in this case can help with converting my natural language description of the issue into usable python code that solves my problems.

I have a python dict with an object following this pattern: [...json sample] Using python, I need to map this into a list of dict. Each object in the dict should have the following properties: name, id (the key of the object), I need the into (if the dict doesnt contain into, create one empty), I need the playtext description (if it doesnt have a plaintext description I need the regular description without the <> tags ). I need the image property, but only the sprite and x,y,w,h. I also need the stats properties

stats is also a dict, I need to map some keys to specific names. FlatPhysicalDamageMod to Attack Damage FlatMagicDamageMod to Ability Damange FlatHPPoolMod to Life

With the python code generated by ChatGPT and my manual fixes and adaptations, I was able to transform the raw API data into something that was useful for the App

Wednesday – despair

Going into Wednesday I had this lurking feeling of despair. I was halfway through the week but far away from an App. I turned to Figma in order to understand how I would structure the screens and data.

This is one point I thought I could do better than Loldle: their interfaces were designed for widescreens and weren't really optimal for mobile screens. I always thought that information didn't move consistently on their UI: The input field for guessing is above the guessed champions list then when the user tries to guess another champion, their screen moves up (to accomodate the keyboard) then there's the champion list between the keyboard and the text input and finally once you guess a champion, the guesses list grows down.

In my opinion this made the game behave weirdly on mobile devices (and because of that I tend to play only on PC).

The way I tackled these issues was to start sorting where things would appear on screen (from the bottom up): Keyboard, text input, list of items (based on what is written in the text input), then list of items that were already guessed and finally the Hints. With that out of the way I added some colors based on the game itself: Blue and Red for the background, a brown-ish tone for the boxes and a golden yellow for the frames and text.

Figma Preview for Buidle

I made the frames on the objects as a Shape in swift. In other words It's a vector that automatically scales into the container size, which makes it very responsive. The last thing was to display an Item on the screen. This took some effort as the item image is contain in an Atlas with all the other similar items. By the end of the day I had a basic UI with a list of items being displayed

Thursday – when it all comes together

My second to last day saw the most progress.

I added the guessing mechanic, I added the item grid display and implemented the hints system. At this point in time I started play testing with friends and for my amusement the game was fun, what a relief.

But then we stumbled upon something weird, some items were duplicated and there were some items with different names. At this point in time a good knowledge of the game was very handy because this was no mistake in the API, rather these were Arena and Ornn items. Once again I turned to python to fix these issues (and later I found out I still didn't fix all of those, thanks Riot)

I also decided at this point in time that Localization would be great. And to my surprise Xcode and Swift are pretty great when it comes to localization, in less than 10 minutes I had my entire app localized to both Portuguese and English. To Localize the Items I had 2 JSON files, one in each language. This was also easy thanks to Riot providing their Item API in multiple languages.

With the app almost done it was time for the final steps

Friday – thank god it's friday

The final day started well, with most issued fixed all I had to do was add the game logic to restart once the player figures out which item it was. With that out of the way I turned to IAPs.

While I dislike intrusive Ads, I think IAPs when used correctly are a great way to generate income with the App and allow the user to do new things. My strategy was quite simple: by default the game has items related to Attack Damage, Ability Power and Life. The IAPs available allow the user to access new items sets such as Armor and Magic Resistance. This also came with a feature to enable and disable item sets. The user can play the game with any set configuration they think is better.

And for the final day I also released a test version over on Test Flight, which you can access here

Wrap up

In conclusion I'm very happy with what I achieved. I think this game has potential within the League of Legends community not only as a fun game but also as a way to develop a better understanding of the game items and builds. While there's no release date yet, I'm hopping for sometime until December.

Thank you for reading!

Hello and welcome in. This is The Keypress, the unscheduled blog run by me: Yrk06

You can expect many things here, but mostly posts in the Tech field and other related areas.

My current Hobbies and interests are in SwiftUI, Infraestructure (servers mainly, hence why I self host the blog), Game Development, 3D printing and more geeky things. I've also been very interested in the Fediverse and in Learning Activity Pub.

I also like owning my stuff: I host the blog; It doesn't contain ads and it's entirely free for you to read